Three-seeded Mercury

Acalypha sp.

a variety of three-seeded mercury, Acalypha, photo © by Michael Plagens

The spikes of red flower clusters are about 5 cm. Observed near Tambach, Elgeyo Escarpment, Rift Valley, Kenya. December 2012.

LEAVES: Alternate on stems. Margins crenulate. Sparse, but long spidery hairs.

HERBACEOUS: Mostly herbaceous, but woody lower stems and branches on weak shrubby plants up to 1½-meters tall

FLOWERS: Small clusters of very small red flowers arranged further along a slender spike about 4 to 8 cm long.

RANGE: One of many species of Acalypha found in nearly all habitats in Kenya.

FRUIT: Three-parted capsules.


Euphorbiaceae -- Spurge Family

More Information:

Kenya Natural History

Copyright Michael J. Plagens, Created on 20 May 2013